by Gary Ploski | Blog, Events, Site News
Since last semester there have been some pictures taken. I haven’t taken the hour-ish-ness of time to sort through and then upload any though. Until today! September, October, November, December, and January have visual history finally! I even went so far as to...
by Gary Ploski | Blog, CT news
It was all about the money. Increase the minimum wage and don’t forget to fund that governmental spending until the end of 2007! Lucky ducks. presents: M E G A V O T E February 6, 2007 In this MegaVote for Connecticut’s 3rd Congressional...
by Gary Ploski | Blog, CT news
The upcoming Congress Bills happen to be the most interesting part of this MEGAVOTE. Minimum Wage and a bipartisan resolution on Iraq. Interesting times ahead… Yes/No? presents: M E G A V O T E January 29, 2007 In this MegaVote for...