The First Hour of the Day

Waking up at 6am every morning, to feed the kittens, sounds exciting horrible insane to most people I know. During the summer it’s great, the sun is out and it feels great opening your eyes. A new day. Sure, that changes in the fall/winter here in the north east...

Mac Pro Sporadic Wireless or Bad UPS

As it turns it… Both. And a tiny bit more. But the main culprit appears to have been my UPS. For a week or more I would see my wi-fi signal disappear or hold steady with no data coming in or going out. I was baffled. I tried the software route first –...

11o1 Now Lives in .com-ing

I said I would… I even researched how to do it… But I never pulled the trigger. That was then! Tonight imported once as a test. Found and fixed the hiccups. 3… 2… 1… Poof! 123 blogs imported thanks to “The Magic Button” in...

Year 3

Three years! We have lived at 11o1 for 3 years. Wow. Hoo rah wow. It feels like three years. We’ve learned so much about living together. About living in a space in an urban environment. Life is developing and evolving in a way I never even considered. To quote...

An 'opps' told us it was done

Cthulhu didn’t care. She hoped up and looked around, positioned herself, the started. The next thing that followed can be described as trickling water, except, obviously, it wasn’t water.It’s official, the cats are toilet trained. Instead of the time...