I DID IT!!! I WAS ABLE TO GET TICKETS TO TRIPLE TUESDAY!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAA!! SIX TICKETS!!! The worst part is… I have to go to CT to see it, but my best friend BT will get to see it with me because of the SOLD OUT theater in NY – all the better. BWAAHAHAHAH! They were sold out before it even got to the site online – fandango. Fan-dan-go-to-another-theater! HAHA!

(After coming down from the realization that I was ABLE to get tickets) Sadly, I look at the date of the show and the number of tickets and know it woulda been totally cool for a certain floridian to be able to attend too. Unfortunately finals end on the 16th at WPBCC. Hrmm. Though… there is always the 17th, and the 18th, and the 19th, and the 20th (as my voice fades reciting everyday of the month.)

10-09-2003 04:55 pm