I did it!!!! I have another notch to add to my list. Ok ok so it’s not over ten yet, hey I’m trying! YESS!!! Another book finished, and I can’t find another one to read… how about that. “THE SALARYMAN’S WIFE” written by SUJATA MASSEY. Look at ’em gooooo. Just not in the mood to read I guess. Studying takes up to much time. : )   From: Gary Ploski   3/7/98 0:40 Subject: hope To: April Harvey i get to read something from you later. I’m going to sleep now, ahhhh – sleep. Quick wrap-up of the eve. I went to my JPN lesson and had a good night. Then went to Kinokuniya and — it was closed at 9:45!!!! It closes at 8:00pm every day! Oy ve! Bummer! I cama back to the apt and watched a woman translate to Bono (of U2) suuuuuper quickly! She was translating as the words were being spoken! The hard part if that is ENG and JPN are organized sooooo muchly differntly from each other. THe verbs are moved all over and the subjets.. etc.! WOWZERS! It was really incredible to watch.

        I finished that book “The Salaryman’s Wife” HOW about that! 400 something pages in ledd than a month! Wahhooo! yipp-e kie-a yeah!! My brain is fried a bit, that’s ok though. Well I’m gonna let you go babe… Time to sleep. I hope to hear your views on Some of the stuff I’ve written in the past few days — there’s been quite a bit. have a splendid babe. ILU. ciao cito