I’m fast approaching a “turning point” in my life. Blah, blah, blah. I’m 30 years old, sure. Soon, gasp, I’ll be thirty… one. Oh mah gaad. As hard as it is to believe, surprise, I don’t really care. Birthdays have been, at least since I was in my late teens, boring. I enjoy hanging out with people but the thrill of a birthday has been lost on me. Even last years fun was sadly under-whelming after I learned about how many people were invited and how many few people came.

Maybe the idea of a birthday celebration isn’t all that much to me because I’m far from people that would want to celebrate with me. Celebrate is such an overused word now that I think of it. There are so many reasons found to celebrate. Some annual event comes around and VOILA! another reason to celebrate.

emma and I joke that we’ll have so many days to celebrate together that we’ll be celebrating every day before we both check out. New reasons come about, or we come up with them, daily.

No, I’m not pessimistic about celebrations. I find true celebrations exceedingly enjoyable. I guess it’s the repetitious common celebration that don’t excite me. The idea of a 1st, 3rd, 5th, 10th, etc. anniversary is dynamic and profound! The reason to gather is phenomenal. Hence my referred disappointment above.

On another note altogether I missed an appointment the other day and greatly wish I could go back in time to correct this faux pas on my part. Due to this silliness I now have to wait until the 28th. Normally I wouldn’t even consider writing one blip of a thought about such a thing but there is a reason that I’m bothered by this missed appointment. <!– D(["mb","

I use the term only because it\'s in the American vernacular but &quot;By God I hope everything checks out okay on the 28th.&quot; Again, this has NOTHING to do with faith at all. I expect I\'ll have a nightmare of 10 before the appointment. I might even call to see if I can come up before the 28th because it\'s on my mind so prominently. Simply put I\'m scared of what I may be told.\n

I\'m not medically learned or trained in any way whatsoever but my hair is standing on end metaphorically speaking. I can\'t do anything with this Monday because we need to get back to NY with the kittens.

Yup, yup, yup, they made the trip to CT without much fuss. Sadly Cyber, John\'s cat (mudda\'s b/f) is here because of an unforeseen circumstance so the kittens have not had the option to run around the house. Instead they\'ve been in the spare bedrooms and the basement. The main corridor of the house has been restricted due to Cyber\'s presence.\n

If the cats had gotten along all would be simple and easy but some hissing here and there didn\'t allow for that to happen. And so the girls (kittens) are in the bedroom awaiting our return from a party that my pop and Lin are throwing for us. It\'s the belated wedding party we had planned on many, many months ago. In fact it\'s been 6 months now that we\'re a married couple.\n

We began a new monthly tradition on the 7th… Reciting our vows to each other. Why? To remind ourselves why we are where we are. What we want from each other. How we want to treat each other. Etc. etc. etc. It\'s a reminder, a reinforcement of what our marriage means.\n

In happy reflection we\'ve been doing nearly all, if not all, of what we vowed since we recited them to each other back in the Red Lion Inn. It\'s easy to forget vows but I guess when your vows are built into your very being and the relationship\'s core it\'s hard to &quot;forget&quot; to follow through with them.\n

It\'s 12:30 and we need to get a move on. Time to close up shop (aka the PB)…


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I use the term only because it’s in the American vernacular but “By God I hope everything checks out okay on the 28th.” Again, this has NOTHING to do with faith at all. I expect I’ll have a nightmare of 10 before the appointment. I might even call to see if I can come up before the 28th because it’s on my mind so prominently. Simply put I’m scared of what I may be told.

I’m not medically learned or trained in any way whatsoever but my hair is standing on end metaphorically speaking. I can’t do anything with this Monday because we need to get back to NY with the kittens.

Yup, yup, yup, they made the trip to CT without much fuss. Sadly Cyber, John’s cat (mudda’s b/f) is here because of an unforeseen circumstance so the kittens have not had the option to run around the house. Instead they’ve been in the spare bedrooms and the basement. The main corridor of the house has been restricted due to Cyber’s presence.

If the cats had gotten along all would be simple and easy but some hissing here and there didn’t allow for that to happen. And so the girls (kittens) are in the bedroom awaiting our return from a party that my pop and Lin are throwing for us. It’s the belated wedding party we had planned on many, many months ago. In fact it’s been 6 months now that we’re a married couple.

We began a new monthly tradition on the 7th… Reciting our vows to each other. Why? To remind ourselves why we are where we are. What we want from each other. How we want to treat each other. Etc. etc. etc. It’s a reminder, a reinforcement of what our marriage means.

In happy reflection we’ve been doing nearly all, if not all, of what we vowed since we recited them to each other back in the Red Lion Inn. It’s easy to forget vows but I guess when your vows are built into your very being and the relationship’s core it’s hard to “forget” to follow through with them.

It’s 12:30 and we need to get a move on. Time to close up shop (aka the PB)…