Why Do Actors Act?

I’m going to stretch my “frozen rubber band” imagination and answer the extremely common question, “Why do I act slash why do I like acting?” Ask a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle what their favorite pizza is and you won’t hear the same...

Are Actors Good Liars?

The question “Are good actors good liars?” bothers me a great deal. Stepping beyond the fact that I am an actor, the implication that a profession exists entirely in falsehood is baffling. Are we as a culture willing to believe actors live to pretend, and...

Act(ing) Your Age or the Part

Social structure demands that we act our age. In Japan I was told that at some undefined, though understood, time in life ice cream became a thing of the past. Oddly enough the experience I had reflected that sentiment. In the USA it can be heard on the playgrounds,...