Invisalign Part 16

My apologies Invisalign followers! My updates have been sorely lacking. Here are some interesting and important updates: It took about 8 weeks for my refinement aligners to arrive. I was told by my DDS that the refinement aligners move teeth in the first 2-3 days. At...

Invisalign Part 15

Six weeks ago I began the Invisalign refinement phase of my Invisalign experience. I last wrote about it in a status update via to Twitter, Facebook, etc. How has it compared to the first part of the process, what do my teeth look like now, and how much longer...

Casting Call for Gary Ploski

I am happy to announce a new web site specifically focused on my acting endeavors. The new site – – contains my resume (one-sheet, and complete), videos, pictures, and other related material. It is my hope this site will help me with the next...

Upon My Death…

Yesterday I began the documentation process of how I want things handled upon my death. It may seem strange to many, morbid to most. I would argue it is something that everyone should do. It is stored in a Google doc at the moment. Now I know this is not a legally...