Weekly Status Updates 2010-03-07

has never posted a tweet between 2 & 3 and 4 & 5 AM. Oddly enough I posted one tweet between 3 & 4 AM. # SnakeOil? Scientific evidence for health supplements http://bit.ly/9ze8lD # Artist type people. Haven't bought your personal .com yet? Spend the...

Weekly Status Updates 2010-02-28

Doctor Who Trailer w/Matt Smith http://youtu.be/EpbmMhNe6aA # heard that he is in the NY Times (Metro Section) in The Red Lion ad. Can anyone confirm this? =o # So very cool. RT @grking: off to watch @lovelyfilm with the final music cues – exciting day!! #...

Weekly Status Updates 2010-02-21

I uploaded a YouTube video — Part Seven of The Winter's Tale: Cast to Curtain http://youtu.be/uMLUshibvUI?a # 10 dolla Stralla! RT @TaraStiles: Full schedule starts tomorrow! $10 yoga. All day. Every day! @stralayoga http://www.stralayoga.com #strala # RT...

Weekly Status Updates 2010-02-14

hopes everyone is OK in Middletown, CT. # has locked in 3 minutes and 9 seconds of Part 5 of Cast to Curtain. One more section to go. # finally saw The Big Lebowski. The second film in the FIL/SIL Series. # is going to post Part 5 of The Winter's Tale: Cast to...

Weekly Status Updates 2010-02-07

finished Part 4 of The Winter's Tale: Cast to Curtain. Will it go live Sunday or Monday? Catch up now http://ow.ly/12g1L #webseries #actor # Congratulations gents! RT @TheMercuryCycle: RT@ CodyHoerig VIDEO IS LOCKED! We are now that much closer to festivals! #...

Weekly Status Updates 2010-01-31

really, really, REALLY wanted to sleep in today. With no alarm set the internal alarm went off at 7:15. Sadly my nose/throat feel sick. Bah! # wishes he could express his feelings (not opinions) to friends & have those feelings be met with something other than...