We browsed around a very breezy Ikebukuro today. I found lots and lots of Miyazaki and Nightmare goods. Oh yes! Also, HMV dipped into my savings account happily today. 8 CDs later… Bwahaha! Anthrax, Megadeth, Howel’s Moving Castle Soundtrack (new Miyazaki film based on a Bristish story), the new Godzilla Soundtrack, etc, etc, etc. I’m a happy happy audiophile.
Just before we left we decided to check out the Sega Center and found a really neat game called “Type or Die”. View a review of the game here. This version is a bit different because it’s a part game system but you’ll get the point. Mind you, in the arcade were two keyboards per monitor. HFCIT!
Miyazaki Museum in about 12 hours so it’s nigh’nigh time.
01-12-2005 11:29 am