And that's a wrap

And that’s a wrap. We finished the shoot with 30 minutes to spare which allows the camera crew on the director to go out and shoot one extra scene outside. Looks like this is going to be a fantastic piece, a fun piece, and a wonderful ride. It should be...

Governor arrival

Governor arrival. The Governor is going to arrive in the next minutes and we are accommodating all the back stage and side spaces so that she can have a space to watch, hopefully participate. Updates to follow. listen Powered by Jott

And we're back from lunch

And we’re back from lunch. So I learn on my way back from lunch that we will actually be wrapping at 4:15 today not 6 o’clock, which changes things entirely. We’re shooting the the, gosh, the saloon entrance scene right now, that’s their first...

And that's a wrap

And that’s a wrap. We’re going to lunch. We’re running a little bit behind, but things are going quite well. I had a chance to finally watch some of the shot and gather up Cuyle, peck, peck, peck and kissy, kissy, kissy, his arms. Good day so far,...

Film training at Quinnipiac University

Film training at Quinnipiac University. I will be shooting a short film today from now until 6 PM tonight. Governor Rell will be attending and show up as a hot dog seller terrified of Luke who enters with War Machines, the ultimate game with zombie babies. It’ll...

Z Land, RPGs, and Food Oh My

For over 2.5 years I have gone to bed in more or less the same way. I realized this the other night as I slipped into Z land and felt a smile bear up only to be swept away by my inability to stay awake. I told myself to write about the feeling and the thought but the...