Honey… Its Time for Pee!

Well, instead of developing new techniques to save mankind with stem cell research the U.S. has developed a way to filtrate water through a membrane to cut down on “water weight”. Our soldiers are hella good but it this really the best place to put...

They Spat on Who?!

International relations took a turn for the pathetic today when random people, acting with a complete lack of respect, spat on 5 time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong. I don’t care what country you are from. I don’t care if you think the person that...

Spidey? Batman? Where were you?!

A disgrace took place last night within the comic world. I’m irked that someone would wear THE “S” and cause a ruckus while wearing it. Ohhhhh just makes me want to… SPOOOON! Evil beware! I wonder how many do-gooders out there will sport a...

Instant Tan?!

Fight death while you get a tan? That’s the idea. If used in moderation this, like most things, would be pretty damn snazzy. Would I use it? Hmm… I guess I’ll have to check it out. I’ll probably be too lazy though and decide the ride to the...

Republicans Launch W Ketchup

This news is a few days old but I want to remember how utterly rediculous this is in the future so I’m adding it to the database. Things have gone to far already. I hope I’m drinking the “right” water. I’d hate to be against the...