That Trash on the Ground…

Pick it up and drop it into the garbage. Why? It just might make you feel better. I’m not promoting or even suggesting social change one person at a time. Eff that. The reason is much more hedonistic. Stay with me for a few more heart beats. A recent study has...

Skimmed Milk Giving Cow

Milk in the news! Milk in the news! Milk in the news! When the option to drink natural skimmed milk with omega3 oils and polyunsaturated fat becomes the norm there will be a happy gleeful smile on my face. It doesn’t look like the process will be fast, but it is...

A Satisfying Job

Finding a job that provides more than a paycheck is no easy find. The work environment affects so much more than we think it will. I left the business world and found happiness in academia while staying in touch with people and technology. I consider myself very...

No More rBGH in My Gyunyu?!

Glee with a capital G doesn’t begin to express my glee’ing’ness. He, he, he… Squee! Joy. Recently Anthropologie made me smile by carrying rockin cool glasses with ‘milk’ written around the outside in a variety of languages –...

No Skinny Models in the US?

Thank god for sanity! Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus and yes Virginia, there are skinny models too. In the US at least. The Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) said their “Health Initiative is about awareness and education, not policing,”...

Premarital Sex…?

This just in. The shocker statistic of the year decade: More than nine out of 10 Americans, men and women alike, have had premarital sex, according to a new study. Is this really so surprising? Click More for details. Original link Most Americans have had premarital...