Bush's First Veto in Five Years

Good bye republicans. Good bye. Come November your leader, our leader, pfft, will miss seeing you in the halls of the House and the Senate. That is, unless more of you hop over the line and pull out a 2/3 vote – which is unlikely. Thanks for not seeing the...

Vishing Scam?

The other day I a comment was awaiting moderation. I thought “Nice. I wonder what someone had to say…” Looking at the post – “police-intimidation” I became even more curious. Clickity, clickity moments later I saw the following:...

Which came first: God or the egg?

In a turn of brilliance someone in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan decided that an egg won’t go bad because the egg has ‘Allah’ in Arabic on it. Yup, an egg. Give it a smell in a month or so. I’d very much love to see a follow up to this story...

Gay Marriage Ban

The other day I wrote to the big 3 CT reps saying: “Simply put, the federal government should not dictate how marriage is defined. I urge you to oppose the “Gay Marriage Ban”. Let each state decide.” Joe Lieberman wrote back saying:...

Residents Policing Residents with Radar Guns

Why lookie lookie. Immediate follow up to last nights question/rant about who to call when a police officer does something wrong. A group of suburbanite soccer moms have decided to help crack down on speeding in their neighborhood. While this may be an interesting...