I’m going to! BWAAHAHAH!
I’m actually going to graduate again!
Yesterday I was told that I could enroll into the MFA program officially next Fall! I have been hoping and hoping and hoping for this day to come and it has! It couldn’t have happened at a better time too! Work, again, rules and school just keeps getting better.
I’m involved in two readings: one in NY at SLC, an original piece about Lizzie Borden, and another in CT with Ed for the re-opening of the Palace Theatre in Waterbury, CT. Hells yes! Things are Grrrrrrrrrrrrreat!
Read about the Lizzie Borden’s Case: http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/LizzieBorden/bordenhome.html
I can’t find anything about "Symphony Pastoral. Grumble, grumble.
Mari and I spoke about the MFA program and I really felt the excitement coarse through me! Amazed uber stoked excitement only begins to describe the inner glee within. T’heheheheh!
Now I need to determine what classes I want to add to my schedule! YES YES YES! I am allowed to take more than one ‘module’. Three modules actually make up 1 ‘class’ so I do lotsa smiles lotsa. = D McDonald’s gives em free so stop by and pick one up if you run out. I have a large surplus on hand so you won’t be seeing me in McDonald’s any time soon. Though they’re shakes are quite tempting… Hmm.
Not much more to report. Oh!
Woodland High School girls… Congratulation on the NVL title! I may be a Holy Cross alum but I have been celebrating the win since I was told of your blowout win vs. Torrington! B. I. N. G. O! With your first game won in the state tourney it’s on to New Canaan on Saturday… Rock on ladies. Especially the keepah! Rock on Meg. Rock on!
Now is time to rest in the land of tempur.
11-12-2004 12:39 am