I’m tired. Ever tired and then some. Today I found out that there is such a thing as working too much. How’s that? Well, I worked from 5:45-910, 10:20-5:25, and 7:40-10:00. This is NOT a smart thing to do, but it was a necessary evil. When hundreds, thousands technically, rely on the office you work in there are things you must sacrifice. I’ve sacrificed a considerable amount of my self. I only hope that some recognize what we are doing (Matt and I). We’re both so run down. I can see it in our interaction. We’re quick to speak and react to thoughts that would have previously been light conversations.
What haven’t I written about… Hmm, let’s see. Wait, after these cookies and milk. Mmm. Tastey.
Damn theses are GOOD!
Ahhhhh. Okay. Finished eating and finished reading some odd stories. One of which I posted (Er, will post) about COOL SCIENTISTS! Oh yesssm!
So California came to call since I last purged my mind. Indeed. Wow, I just realized I never wrote a review for Open Water ñ the film we saw in Times Square. It was… okay. BUT! I DID. NOT. See the ending coming at all! Lemme say that much. Holy didn’t see it coming Batman!
Ms. Violetsky from CA and I met up, the first person I’ve ever met and actually hung out with from an online interaction. I’ve met other people through happen stance situations or met them briefly and talked again via 0’s and 1’s but we hung out for hours which was extremely different to me. It’s been at least a month or so that we’ve talked via web cam, IM, and/or phone and I honestly thought we wouldn’t meet because that’s the way it’s always been when I meet someone and talk to someone online. No worries, just the way it is.
So we hung out… And… Well, we had a blast! I’m very much happy with the fact that I now have a friend (from NY) in Cali! How utterly and totally cool. I believe I took her by surprise by the fact that I really don’t like, want to drink. It seemed as though it confused her ñ even though we’d talked about it at length. Alas. It was a neat convo. We walked in the BLAZING humidity that is a humid day in NYC. One word ñ sickeninglydisgusting. Yes that’s one word. I so hate humidity.
One fun thing that happened on the way to the station where I met up with Emma at GCS, who had met up with a XY for dinner/drinks, was the MAZE we drove through. First it was UNDER the street. Then it was a road block. Then we drove through a building or two around the bend until… Voila! There it was. Ahhh. I know I was nervous, as I told her, since I’d never done the meet up thing before, but the hug goodbye was really nice. I am really glad we met up and look forward to taking her up on the offer to bunk up in CA sometime after I get back from JPN next year.
That’s a plan for another post.
Tired. Why am I tired? Maybe it’s because I’ve been at work everyday since Orientation. That was ñ 8/28. Today is 9/6. That’s 10 days straight of at least 10 hour days of students, faculty, etc knocking and calling and stopping in. I’m trying so hard to keep a smile on my face despite the fact that I’m completely exhausted inside. My legs hurt. My back hasn’t been this stiff in ages and the gym, tomorrow, finally returns to normal hours. This means I can go late if I’m stuck in the office late.
Is it worth it? All these extra hours? Absolutely. I’ve learned so much in the past couple months. Are there things I wish I did? Of course. I’d be lying if I said I know I did it all. Amazingly I have been praised for my efforts by various staff members that are well respected in the school community. I humbly acknowledge their kind words but feel as though I could have done more and thus feel as though I don’t deserve their praise. That’s probably the inner perfectionist screaming out. Soon, in a week or two, we’ll have someone new in the office and things will change. Ahh. Things will change.
Damn. Another thought… Today was my first class for Acting the Poetic Text. I’m very excited about this course. In SLC style I’m the only Y chromosome carrying student in the room. I’m really excited about this class. Yea, I’m really excited.
Now…? Now I’m going to get away from digital, plastic, etc gizmos. I need to feel something natural in my hands. Hrmmm, damn, nothing ìnaturalî that isn’t mine here. Guess I’ll just have to find something tangible that isn’t PC related. Maybe…. A book. Or maybe… Lone Wolf and Cub. Now THAT peaks my interest INDEED! Oyasumi.
09-06-2004 11:29 pm