Last night was a world at peace. A world where people could poke fun at each other despite their genealogy and/or social status. It was a city at peace.
The graduate seminar class on 03/03/06 introduced me to Paul Griffin, Founder, City at Peace. City at Peace is an innovative international program working with young people to create musical theatre projects created out of their experiences.
We had a discussion on how to market CaP better because it is such a phenomenal idea. Paul said that finding funding was very difficult. “No wonder.” I thought. None of the investors can see what is happening so they only hear an artist talking about some artsy thing with kids. The conversation lasted for maybe 10 minutes. At that point I had to leave and he had to talk with John Dillon since he was the reason Paul was at SLC.
During Paul’s introduction of CaP to the SLC Theatre grad students he mentioned the dates for the NY production. A few people voiced their interest in seeing the show. I was one of them. I noted the dates in my head and promptly wrote it down so I wouldn’t forget forgot a few days later.
A few weeks passed. I was involved with a production and so my focus went to where it was needed most – work, the show, aka my life.
Happily something kicked at my brain. For some reason I found myself searching for the name of ‘that organization’ that guy talked about at the grad seminar. It took a while. Then I thought to look in my iCal… Voila. City at Peace.
Paul had told us about the NYC production. I very much so forgot what it was about. = ) It was good that I had. With a fresh mind, traffic, a maze of turns never leading to the road needed. emma and I found our way, with 2 minutes to spare, to the theatre.
1 hour 45 minutes of revolution took place on stage. Normally I would critique performance(s), direction, etc. but with this show that’s not what it’s about. The show was about my favorite quote and one of my favorite philosophies…
The quote – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. said “Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.”
The philosophy – I’m okay, you’re okay. (check out the book)
Last night was a mixed crowed of all races. The intended point was achieved.
If you hear about City at Peace in your area or are in the area when a CaP production is running – see the show. The kids that create each piece have infused their own lives and their own experiences to show us that it’s great being different. We’re all lucky to have the opportunity to express opposing views and even live different lives because we are all living through the same things. Nothing is identical. Then again, you might change your mind after seeing what these kids go through. It just might feel as though they’re re-enacting your life on stage even though they don’t even know your name.
Thanks Gary for the words. It was fun to read. I am glad you got a chance to see the show and that you “got” it. Be in touch down the line…