Why isn’t it anyway?

Make Election Day a National Holiday

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Your U.S. Representative
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515


Your U.S. Senators
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Make Election Day a National Holiday

Contributed by Working Assets

In the aftermath of the 2000 election, the National Commission on Federal Election Reform, co-chaired by former presidents Carter and Ford, was created to develop election reform proposals to improve our democracy and ensure a more effective, fair election system.

One of the Commission’s most important recommendations has been widely ignored — making Election Day a national holiday.

With U.S. voting participation an international embarrassment, it’s appalling millions of people weren’t able to vote in the 2000 election because they could not get time off from work to vote. While 30 states have laws giving workers the right to take time off to vote, many workers and employers are unaware of these laws. The Commission pointed out that holding national elections on a national holiday will also increase the number of available poll workers and polling places in addition to having the potential to increase overall turnout and make it much easier for working America to go to the polls.

Election Day is already a holiday in Puerto Rico in presidential election years, and many Puerto Ricans celebrate and make Election Day a fun and festive party with a purpose. In 2000, Puerto Rico’s voter turnout was 82.6%, as compared to 51.16% in the United States.

It’s time to do the same here at home, too.

Call to action
Urge your representative and senators to pass legislation making Election Day a national holiday. Our democracy depends on it.

Deadline: Ongoing

What will be sent?

I am writing to urge you to introduce and strongly support legislation to make Election Day a national holiday.

In the aftermath of the 2000 election, the National Commission on Federal Election Reform, co-chaired by former presidents Carter and Ford, released a variety of recommendations in order to strengthen our democratic system. One of the Commission’s most important recommendations has been widely ignored — making Election Day a national holiday.

With U.S. voting participation an international embarrassment, it’s appalling that millions of people weren’t able to vote in the 2000 election simply because they could not get time off to vote. While 30 states have laws giving workers the right to take time off to vote, many workers and employers are unaware of these laws. The Commission also pointed out that holding national elections on a national holiday will increase the number of available poll workers and polling places in addition to having the potential to increase overall voter turnout, too.

Election Day is already a holiday in Puerto Rico in presidential election years, and many Puerto Ricans celebrate and make Election Day a fun and festive party with a purpose. In 2000, Puerto Rico’s voter turnout was 82.6%, as compared to 51.16% in the United States.

It’s time to do the same here at home, too.

Please pass legislation making Election Day a national holiday. Our democracy depends on it.

Please let me know how you intend to proceed on this issue.
