Whooooooo hooooo! Kazi on the phone, monika & jason, J5, brandi, mi mudda, emma, lin, pop, bt, tree, marker, ev & dalton, meg, ken, zack, gram, the bermans, dominique (alex b’s g/f) carmen, joanne, donna, jeff, keith, shelly, malakai, florie & joe, mark, tracy, honey, kevin, doug, cortney… Oy! The list goes on and on and the thanks keep going out to everyone!
My fam and close friends threw a wee-lil surprise party for me at Volmar’s Grove in Prospect yesterday. It’s been months in the making and I know everyone that was involved in the planning is EXTREMELY happy they can breath easier now. Both mi mudda and lin were avoiding me for fear that they’d give something away. They didn’t need to worry about that part of the event… A few other people handed me some details. Silly peeps. A co-worker asked me at one point “Aren’t you having a party or something?” when asked if he was interested in skydiving on 8/20. Um… no. “Sorry, I can’t make it to the party” chimed in Danny-boy to an email asking him about the skydiving event too. “Party?” I asked. “I thought you were having a party afterward or something.”
Yea, I had my thoughts that something was going on. 0= ) Yup. I had my thoughts. 0= )
As I arrived a few things gave me the heads up that Meghan’s party wasn’t Meghan’s grad party at all… Lin’s BRIGHT blue truck – Huh? Lin doesn’t come to this side of the family’s gatherings. “He’s coming” – He’s coming? I’m walking with emma and bt. He’s coming… Who is that? And then I saw from a distance J5, Monkia, Brandi.
Let’s hear it I shouted! A brief pause and then “Happy Brithday to you…” could be heard from across Volmar’s Grove – aka he who shall not be named’s grove. = )
I didn’t get a chance to thank everyone for coming before a cake was thrust in front of me with the number 3 and 0 burning along side a picture (on the cake) from my 1st birthday. I was so cute then with my very own cake all over my face and in my hands. Ahhh, those were the days.
It was a hot damn good day save one thing… I rolled/twisted my ankle – twice – within 5 seconds! FIVE SECONDS! Not minutes. SECONDS. Sigh. The strangest thing was that it didn’t hurt as much as it looked like it did. Talk about a helluva swell. WHOOOO! The thing got big and looked ug’ly!
Now, one week and 2 days later, the swelling has gone done nicely but I have pain now. I’d rather the swelling than the pain I would! I posted a thought on how I felt about it this morning (Over the Edge). I’m posting this on the day I started writing it – 6/19 – versus today 6/27. Just clearing things up a bit.
I’m not going to re-read what I wrote so if I said I am one ridiculously lucky person. My friends, the good friends, are so loyal, trusting, caring, etc that I thank you over and over and over! You’ve been and are a huge part of what I am. Thank you. It’s not often that you have the chance to learn who cares about you. Seeing everyone two Saturday’s ago gave me so much ‘yea’ just because you showed up. Itsumo domo arigato gozaimasu minasama. Hono ni!