All I can say is the red carpet is going to look damn fine next Monday at the world premiere. Of this I am certain. Who knew. I’m not sure if there’ll be pictures of the event but I’m certain there will be stories. So, until next Monday… Bewitched is just another event in the calendar.
Due to the original packing having taken place about two months ago I SO very happy to know I have only a lil’bit’o packing left. With just under two weeks I’m MORE than confidant everything will be easy as a frozen dinner. I’m not eating the frozen dinner but I do know, thanks Jacek & Mari, it’s quick. Virtual dinners are even faster. Voila.
About a month ago something pulled in my chest and caused me an excessive amount of pain. It’s been a hit or miss whether I would wake up to it or just happen to feel a tug during the day or at the gym. Well, one heating pad, tossing a football with emma a couple evenings and stretching appear t o have solved the mysterious pain. At first I thought it was a muscle rip. Then it felt like a bruised bone. After all the popping and pain it looks like it was a simple muscle pull right in the middle of my chest! UGH! What an awful place for it! Reaching back to get the seat belt in my car was excruciating! Tomorrow I should know if the heating pad was the cure because I’ve had it on my chest for about an hour now. It’s SO WARM in here! Need. Water. Must. Find. Water. = ) Enh. Sleep is all the better.