Many years ago I
upset brought a smile to a friends face with this lovely image to the right. Satan was a Lesbian. What a brilliant postcard. I though, she’ll get a kick out of this. Yes, yes, yes. Well, many many months later I learned that her mom and dad were in shock at this blasphemous image.
Ahhh, money well spent. If only there were more fun postcards to send to people. Hmm, now that I say it I think I may need to do that again. Sending a postcard tis cheap and the reactions are great fun! New search entered into mind for later retrieval. Hehehehehe. This is going to be simple and inexpensive fun!
It seems fitting that a faculty member at SLC had this on their door. What a way to be brought back to the past reminded of the laughter and joy that my friend and I shared. Ahhh, memories. Two words – Satan and lesbian. El. Oh. El.