Wow. Here I am in the dark typing on my new… toy… no, my new… tool. Ahh, finally I can work on many a task on the go. I didn’t expect to find my way here this soon in ’05. Hello Mr. Gift Horse. = o Actually I should say, thank you FatWallet and UCONN Co-op Bookstore. They made this possible for me, Emma, two peeps at work, possibly Avenga, and many others. OH! And Apple for wanting to unload their “old” stock. Ha! Old. Riiiiight.
Rahotep is feeling a touch of glee! Amazon has already seen some of his words move through their system. Hey hey hey! The graphics for the site are now ready – Thank you Athos. Now it is up to me to blend the current site content with the new graphics. Shouldn’t be a problem. Yea team. And I mean TEAM. This is a multi-headed attack on the world. “They” won’t know what hit em. Actually, I’m really looking forward to reading the dang’d thing myself. Soon enough. Soon enough indeed.
Ahh, I really have not the words to explain how nice it is to be able to do this kind of thing at ANY time of day from ANYwhere. My thoughts should flow much faster and more often now. Thank goodness. I think I’ll finally have the change to write to everyone I’ve wanted to write to. The next task will be migrating to this machine from my desktop. Here comes the email and documents. Ready, set, INDEX!
Thinking about “thoughts” I’m stewing on a play I saw this eve (Shockheaded Peter) with the berman-racket. Imagine a comedic Alice Cooper as narrator, accompanied by life size puppets, wonderfully creative costumes & make-up, and a three piece band (stand up bass, drums, and accordion) telling twisted children stories that all end in DEATH. What do you get? A great night out. It wasn’t the most fluid play I’ve seen but it did entertain and it IS very VERY different from anything on Broadway today. And THANK GOD for that. )Throwing you a bone big man,( = O
Now that I’ve begun the purge of my mind… It’s time to force this lil beast to “index now”. So, best of fun and let it all roll on. So, until 4/1 is the ACTUAL closing date I’ll remain GP.
LOL – 4/1, That’s just ridiculous. Silly lawyers getting the wrong date. 6/30 baby! Six. Thir. Ty!
03-12-200512:54 am