Superman smokes?
Supercool Creative challenged me to get 500 people to RT in their blog post: Your superhero is smoking? In it William Chamberlain wrote:
If Supercool Creative gets 500 tweets telling us the logo is no good we’ll change it… on our business cards, letterhead, websites, social networking sites… everything.
Why? I wrote to them and said:
“Your superhero… is smoking? That’s not really cool.”
So, the challenge is to have 500 unique accounts RT:
@SupercoolAgency #LoseTheCig
Will we reach 500 re-tweets (RT)? Yes.
Will you be a part of it? That’s up to you. Hurry! RT before all the spaces are filled!
If you RT “@SupercoolAgency #LoseTheCig” I will add your website to the spreadsheet listed below, be sure to @ me (@garyploski) with your website after you tweet the needed information. If you like, please leave a comment below with your website.
I’ve been told that this is the 1st Twitter anti-smoking campaign by a number of people. The 1st! Will you be a part of the 500 that made the cig disappear? (updated to include this sentence 5/13)
This is as much about you as it is about the challenge! Let’s get this done.
(I will add links to everyone’s user name before the end of day on the 23rd.)
[iframe: src=’https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0Avdd21nHiGyudG9OVUtGX1k1VHNyRHMtbThKcm1yLWc&hl=en&output=html&widget=true’ width=’400′ height=’700′ frameborder=’0′ ]
View the spreadsheet here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Avdd21nHiGyudG9OVUtGX1k1VHNyRHMtbThKcm1yLWc&hl=en
Update: 9:41 AM EDT on the 19th of May in the year 2010
@KLajeunesse tweeted:
@supercoolagency #losethecig! on your logo!!!
In one month 500+ people stood together and used Twitter to make the first anti-tobacco campaign a success!
Congratulations to everyone, especially those listed in the spreadsheet above! Congratulations to Supercool Creative for their unique thinking and engagement. If you aren’t following them on Twitter yet you should be… Check out their new logo soon.
There are so many people to thank, over 500 in fact, but I would like to extend special thanks, in alphabetic order, to:
- @adincmiller
- @blueeyepath
- @cyansocialmedia
- @chamberlainwill
- @ChrissyPeters90
- @lgbttobacco
- @livestrongceo
- @lozzola
- @KickButtsDay
- @MakikiGirl
- @MissHealth
- @scoutout
- @SupercoolAgency
- If I missed you please forgive me. With over 500 people I know I missed someone – @ me.
A little bit more about Supercool Creative:
We specialize in online video creative, production, viral video marketing and integrated social media marketing campaigns designed to target customers, build awareness and drive interaction.
Other blogs about the campaign:
ADC Showcases, Effie’s Announce, Bono Pimps FIFA
http://www.adrants.com/2010/04/adc-showcases-effies-announce-bono.phpHelp Us Snuff Out Supercool’s Smoking Superhero
Superheroes Don’t Smoke
http://www.freeclear.com/blog/post/2010/05/03/Superheroes-Done28099t-Smoke.aspxIt’s a superhero sized social media throwdown, can you help?
http://lgbttobacco.wordpress.com/2010/05/12/its-a-superhero-sized-social-media-throwdown-can-you-help/Have a blog to add to the list? — Contact me or post a comment.
I love that you did this!!! @TheMarciFactor
Thanks for joining in Marcella! We did it!
Congratulations! As a lung cancer advocate, I am so proud to be a part of this accomplishment. Thanks for spearheading!
Without your support we couldn't have reached this goal together. Thanks Tracy!
I have been trying to quit smoking for a while it is difficult. I have been smoking for years.Does any one know the best way to quit.
Yes! A belated “Thank You!” for all that you are and all that you did to make #LoseTheCig a winner!