- is outside in the sun with emma, Jupiter, and a quart of locally grown strawberries. Yum. 🙂 #
- has a new status update. He is not outside. He is not eating. He is not home. Work, hopes, and dreams will occupy his mind today. #
- is immensely proud of emma. Omedeto chan! #
- hasn’t written about his Invisalign experience in a long while. Why? Things have been going very well. Here’s an update: http://bit.ly/KeURg #
- is attending ‘Battlestar Galactica: Cyborgs On The Horizon’ tonight. – http://bit.ly/RSuPs
)smiles( # - cannot believe how full the 92nd St. Y is for the BSG Cyborg on the Horizon event! Whoohoo! #
- can be reached at /garyploski on facebook now. Here is the bit.ly link – http://bit.ly/pujO8 emma is /alysonberman – http://bit.ly/WRf3S #
- just bought his Mac Pro a tiny upgrade – 8GB of RAM. Hehehe. Video, video, video editing hoooo! (Confused? Think Thundercats.) #
- cleared his throat to announce emma’s first online publication titled ‘Estate’ (a flash fiction piece) on Elimae. –> http://bit.ly/R8Gck #