by Gary Ploski | Blog, Site News
Thanks to Sadish Bala for his post on how to update a WordPress theme css file to include the ‘new’ image class (as of version 2.6). I’ve been struggling with alignment issues for images and captions within posts for a very long time. Read his how to...
by Gary Ploski | Blog, World News
Before you read another word, please post a one word comment below answering the question: Do you believe Pluto should be classified as a planet? Done? OK here we go. Earlier this year I was fortunate to listen to Mike Brown, the man that ‘killed’ Pluto....
by Gary Ploski | 1101, Blog, NY news
As it turns it… Both. And a tiny bit more. But the main culprit appears to have been my UPS. For a week or more I would see my wi-fi signal disappear or hold steady with no data coming in or going out. I was baffled. I tried the software route first –...