Get it outta here!

There seems to be a problem here sir.What’s the sitrep?Well. Sir. There is. Sir. They’ve changed the layout. We may need to revisit our initial plans.Show me. E-Gad man! You’re right! Cancel the operation. Fail safe 1101 is in place. Mark.=)11o1...

Citikitty – Circle 5

It finally happened. This past Sunday the kittens reached circle 5. It wasn’t until Monday sometime when they used it though. A trick we found to work is to leave the toilet seat up if the/a kitten isn’t using the citikitty.It seems to provide more space...

Citikitty – Circle 4

The kittens have been on circle 4 for an extra week or so due to Cthulhu’s high interest in litter. We had to go revise the process to include one week of toilet seat up on circle 4 because she didn’t know how to handle the massive hole of nothingness. She...

2 years

As of June 22, Plosk and I have been in our apartment for two years. It’s astounding how quickly it goes by… And how fast you out grow an apartment. When I first moved in I was just thrilled to have a space as our own- to decorate, to entertain, to enjoy...

Almost Litterless

With two holes left to remove the kittens are on course for a litter free life. More updates soon.One important note. The first litter less #2 happened just the other day.