by Gary Ploski | Blog, CT news
Water and trillions of dollars got yea’s. What else ya got House!? What else ya got Senate?! I guess the Immigration Bill and the o’so’cleverly labelled “Honest Leadership and Open Government Act”… What does that really mean!?...
by Gary Ploski | Blog, CT news
Money was on the mind recently and vote, vote, vote our reps did! The House passed a $2.9 trillion budget plan for the upcoming fiscal year. How’s bout THEM apples. “Hey mister, ya got a dollar?” … “I thought not.”
by Gary Ploski | Blog, CT news
60 votes short of overturning President Bush’s veto. He’s gotten 2 through so far. Wow. Way to go W. In other news The House passed a bill that expands the definition of a “hate crime” to include sexual orientation. This needed a bill?...
by Gary Ploski | Blog, CT news
Don’t touch that horse mr./ms. commercial use person! The Wild Horse Protection Bill prohibits the Bureau of Land Management from selling wild horses or burros to be slaughtered for commercial use. How ’bout them apples. Anyone? presents: M...
by Gary Ploski | Blog, CT news
$15 billion to improvements to the nation’s waterways. Rock on clean water! They voted on other stuff too. presents: M E G A V O T E April 24, 2007 In this MegaVote for Connecticut’s 3rd Congressional District: Recent Congressional Votes...