A Satisfying Job

Finding a job that provides more than a paycheck is no easy find. The work environment affects so much more than we think it will. I left the business world and found happiness in academia while staying in touch with people and technology. I consider myself very...

CT Reps Vote – April 16, 2007

Stem Cells have made their way back to the floor. This time though,  support is in the House… And the Senate. I’m a bit disappointed Mr. Dodd, why didn’t you vote. Congress.org presents: M E G A V O T E April 16, 2007 In this MegaVote for...

Spider-Man 3 Premiere Tickets

Yesterday I received an email with the subject: Big PROBLEM The body of the email was, unknowingly at the time, going to be life altering. I clicked on the email and read: “I HAVE TWO TICKETS TO THE WORLD PREMIER OF SPIDERMAN 3-APRIL 30TH.” How? What?! I...

Farm Sanctuary Benefit in NYC

“Pardon me.” “Excuse me.” “You’re welcome.” “Have a safe trip home.” “Thank you very much.” During the evening last night I said each of these quotes more than, oh let’s be modest, 100 times each....

CT Reps Vote – April 2, 2007

I’m back dating this to the appropriate date. It is being posted on 4/10. Yes’m! An important troop bill was passed as well as some budget stuff. The hot topic is in the upcoming bills section of this MegaVote – Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act....

CT Reps Vote – March 26, 2007

Backdated to 3/26 – actual post date 4/10. Some housing is, will be restored thanks to the Gulf Coast Hurricane Housing Recovery Act. 125 voted ‘no’ what is in that bill that would have people vote ‘no’ I wonder. Congress.org presents: M...