by Gary Ploski | Blog, World News
Blue Frog. Say it to someone and the general response from anyone not in the loop will be “Blue what?” Wiki, being all that it is, has a nice lil brief on the software and the company that created it. Welcome to the loop: (wiki info) The Blue Frog software...
by Gary Ploski | Blog, World News
This sucks big time. After the initial ‘war’ with the SPAMmers Bluesecurity looked to be in great shape. Their user base swelled to over 500,000. Since the initial hit on the Blue Security servers SPAMmers haven’t stopped their quest to kill the...
by Gary Ploski | Blog, Site News
Since I’ve been re-organizing my site I knew the gallery needed some attention. Today is the day I can finally say “I’ve gone through each album and trimmed the fat.” Numbers? There were 1997 pix before I added March and April pix in 2006. Now,...