by Gary Ploski | 1101, NY news
Cthulhu didn’t care. She hoped up and looked around, positioned herself, the started. The next thing that followed can be described as trickling water, except, obviously, it wasn’t water.It’s official, the cats are toilet trained. Instead of the time...
by Gary Ploski | 1101, NY news
There seems to be a problem here sir.What’s the sitrep?Well. Sir. There is. Sir. They’ve changed the layout. We may need to revisit our initial plans.Show me. E-Gad man! You’re right! Cancel the operation. Fail safe 1101 is in place. Mark.=)11o1...
by Gary Ploski | 1101, NY news
It finally happened. This past Sunday the kittens reached circle 5. It wasn’t until Monday sometime when they used it though. A trick we found to work is to leave the toilet seat up if the/a kitten isn’t using the citikitty.It seems to provide more space...
by Gary Ploski | 1101, NY news
The kittens have been on circle 4 for an extra week or so due to Cthulhu’s high interest in litter. We had to go revise the process to include one week of toilet seat up on circle 4 because she didn’t know how to handle the massive hole of nothingness. She...
by Gary Ploski | 1101, NY news
As of June 22, Plosk and I have been in our apartment for two years. It’s astounding how quickly it goes by… And how fast you out grow an apartment. When I first moved in I was just thrilled to have a space as our own- to decorate, to entertain, to enjoy...
by Gary Ploski | 1101, NY news
Short and sweet… This afternoon sometime between 2 and 4 emma and I crossed the two year marker at 1101.End of line