is off to see "A Moon to Dance By" with Jane Alexander Directed by Ed Sherin in NJ w/emma @GeorgeStreet Playhouse. # @clsmithdpu Thank you so much for the reply. I'm very very interested in the end result. =) Truly. in reply to clsmithdpu # has a 130...
is prepping for for a meeting with the Educational Group for the CT Film Festival. My focus is on the web and the use social sites. #CTFF # bought "Farscape: The Complete Series" for $57.99 on Amazon! FRELLING STARBURST HARVEY! Get yours here:...
doesn't like waking up to an Actor's Nightmare. I didn't even remember rehearsing the 1st scene. I'm not even working on a play! # @SoaringSpirit Do you have a website? I'm gathering links of fellow creators and would be thrilled if I could include...
read the @RealDeadpool ad while reading FF & a couple other comics. Waiting for @RealDeadpool to post something now. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. # has been asked to read "Winter's Tale" paying attention to the role of Polixenes for a spring production....
needed to change the audio output from "Internal Speakers" to "Line Out" after updating to 10.6.2. Heads up 10.6 users. # RT @alysonjane: "Anything that doesn't take years of your life and drive you to suicide hardly seems worth...
read that GOP members stated that they agreed with 80% of the details of the Health Care Reform bill in Sept & Oct yet only 1 voted YEA. Huh # is ready for January!!! Well, I'm ready for someone to be in the area in January! Yosh! Yatta! Sugoi! # now uses...