Weekly Status Updates 2009-05-03

thanks the crew at Geezeo (http://geezeo.com) for making finances easier than they used to be. # is enjoying “Yatta” on this b. e. a. u-tiful Tuesday morning. How can you not smile listening to this song? “Everybody say Yatta!” …Well? #...

Weekly Status Updates 2009-04-26

feels the chorus resonating within ‘Here come the drums! Here come the drums!’ Step one in a string of steps is nearly complete! What a day. # feels Grrreat! # is really impressed with this software (broadcast & stream live). The Boston Marathon:...

Weekly Status Updates 2009-04-19

wishes everyone the best of luck if they are finishing and filing their taxes on this cool, damp, Wednesday the 15th. Fight-o! Fight-o! # is not working on his film reel. Alas. Instead he is working on something he planned on addressing after the school year finished....

Weekly Status Updates 2009-04-12

will finish up the day soon, scurry home, eat, get dressed for a student film, & then run to the set to, likely, hang around. Acting rocks! # woke up confused that it was only Tuesday thanks to a very long Monday. Getting ready this AM he realized he has enough...

Invisalign Part 11

My teeth feel foreign, strange, sharp, pointy, etc. when I take my aligners off. It’s odd. When I close my mouth my teeth feel so strange because the alignment has changed so much. To the right Below is a looping video shows what my teeth looked like at the...