Testicles yield 'ethical' stem cells

I’m scared of not having the chance to allow my body to heal itself through truly natural means. Stem cells. While the current U.S. administration is not exactly helping, there are scores of people around the world looking and looking for some balance of...

The New Style of Morning

As of this morning the rise and shine time will be… Don’t be scared… 6 AM.Ahh, A new method of waking up. Although the thought of getting a chance to post my thoughts sounded great when I first read about the idea. This morning hasn’t been what...

All Things Considered

Recently I read about cops giving out tickets to good drivers, I saw the last episode of a season, discussed the driving desire of mankind to explore, and what it means to complete something. In brief, words have been on the move lately. People are talking. It’s...

HTML Neophytes and Myspace

Recently I created a Myspace account for traffic and possibility of getting in touch with some old friends. The first thing I noticed was how horribly ad driven the site is! If it’s not a flash based ad it’s three! The next thing I noticed was how bland...

78th Oscars (at Q's Place)

crash. blah. it’s not that good of a movie. blah. good for ang, philip, reese, and george for their awards. Very happy for them peeps. Was a bit annoyed with all the Kong wins but they were LotR peeps so it’s hard to be that bummed.A semi-enjoyable eve....

Simmered for a Bit

I was on a roll with my previous posts. Grah! Damn life got in the way. …Yee-ha damn life!With three classes to go the Collective Creation class has had me cracking down on lines, lines, lines, and more lines. Yup, yup, yup, that many lines. We have six pieces...