Jack's Additional Thoughts

Last thoughts before bed. How I’m awake at 2:50 AM I have no idea.V ball is done, done, and done. We lost to Bard this, er, last evening in 3 games. It’s sad to see the season end, but it was a damn impressive turn around from last year: 3-12 vs this year...

Jack's Complete Lack of Surprise

Hi I’m “Jack’s complete lack of surprise” and I’d like to say a few things about the present state of affairs in what I call “Jack’s Life”.I think a viewing of Fight Club is in order. I have a pent up sense of rage...

The DOD?

It happened before: http://www.livejournal.com/users/anniesj/331112.htmlAnd it may happen again. Here are new journal entries that I posted yesterday. Probably the FIRST I’ve ever posted that speak my mind regarding the present state of the US...

Nearing 11/4

The UK reacts: The Daily Mirror – A large picture of Bush with this caption: ìHow can 59,054,087 be so dumb!î Canada reacts: Statistics show the number of U.S. workers entering Canada dropped to 15,789 in 2002 from 21,627 in 2000. In 1981 some 10,030 Americans...

My Fear presented Visually

Thanks to Jacek I have a visual available that helps to explain my fear of the next four years. And it came in just mere moments after I posted my previous journal. Yea Jacek! 11-03-2004 05:32 pm

Late 11/3

It’s 5:37 and the “winner” has been known for most of the day now. I can say the following with UTTER certainty:I’m exhausted. Going to Boston was definitely worth it. I’m very scared where our country is going to go in regard to religion...