My Invisalign Experience

This post is a wrap-up of the blog series I began in January 2009. All the posts in the series are available below. The following are reactions* and suggestions for others in process or considering Invisalign. * I will post an update after I receive my upper and lower...

July 13, 2010

Today is July 13th and this blog should go live at 10:53 but I’ve set it for 12:01. That’s for you mudda. 😉 This date and time is significant to a number of people but most importantly… To me. This moment marks a new era in my life. It’s been 5...

Invisalign Part 16

My apologies Invisalign followers! My updates have been sorely lacking. Here are some interesting and important updates: It took about 8 weeks for my refinement aligners to arrive. I was told by my DDS that the refinement aligners move teeth in the first 2-3 days. At...

Invisalign Part 15

Six weeks ago I began the Invisalign refinement phase of my Invisalign experience. I last wrote about it in a status update via to Twitter, Facebook, etc. How has it compared to the first part of the process, what do my teeth look like now, and how much longer...