No More rBGH in My Gyunyu?!

Glee with a capital G doesn’t begin to express my glee’ing’ness. He, he, he… Squee! Joy. Recently Anthropologie made me smile by carrying rockin cool glasses with ‘milk’ written around the outside in a variety of languages –...

No Skinny Models in the US?

Thank god for sanity! Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus and yes Virginia, there are skinny models too. In the US at least. The Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) said their “Health Initiative is about awareness and education, not policing,”...

Ing Land

Finally. It’s been ages, I think, since I’ve felt a desire to write. Sure, I’ve written but it wasn’t fun. Neh-enh. No sir no sir. Tonight is different. My eyes are bugging out as I look at the words as they appear on the screen and the fan is...

Making it Through Another One

Highs and lows happen. This semester was filled to the brim. All those half cups were left in the sink full or in the dishwasher empty and dry waiting for some attention. That’s just how it was. I am happy in so many ways but I believe I’m tired in more....

Premarital Sex…?

This just in. The shocker statistic of the year decade: More than nine out of 10 Americans, men and women alike, have had premarital sex, according to a new study. Is this really so surprising? Click More for details. Original link Most Americans have had premarital...

Customers and Respect

Violent Acres has hit the nail on the head with two exceedingly ridiculous phrases popular in the American culture today: The customer is always right and …earn my respect. I don’t link to other sites often. Hmm, actually, I think this it the first time...