My muscles are loosened which enforces my need for another massage. What?! Here’s a reason… My body has created a bump on my forehead due to the stress, tension, etc. that has befallen upon me this summer. Fortunately little of the avalanche happened or...
A first. Last night, this evening?, I don’t know, on the 16th we wandered 32nd street until we found number 25 and saw it – Juvenex About three hours later we walked out with blood shot eyes and utterly relaxed bodies. It was, for each of us, our first...
I look young. It’s one of those things that simply is. I like it. In fact, I’ve enjoyed it since I recognized what age meant. The appearance of age that is. I didn’t care about being 21… I didn’t drink at the time. When I turned 21…...
Not quite. I was led to believe by one Apple technician that the logic board on my PowerBook was broken, damaged, or something and that the machine would konk out on me. Well… despite my dislike for Apple’s support my laptop has treated me well. Today, at...
Toy number one arrived today. Smiles. With the use of iSight, Keith and I had a nice chat – video style – and had a chance to catch up with one another. I even added 2 rows of CDs to Delicious Monster. Glee. The main toy is still hanging out in China = (...
Today was THE day. emma had news and after multiple e-mail and a few phone calls I had news. It was a fantas-teek day for 11o1. The kittens are being meow-y and want to walk all over our laptops whenever we’re using them. Mags is walking all over me as I type,...