After a LONG Night of Clean-up…

After a LONG night of clean-up my mind decided to pur some thoughts into text. Here are some things in my life that are making me smile… BIG.1 – The future of 134Here comes a Wireless LAN, iBook, PowerBook, Emma, California, and more!2. Taxes. Yes!...

Dead Tired in NY. Not Chicago and not Tokyo.

After the vast amounts of travel there was one way to describe how I felt physically: “wow, you were tired.” Emma pinned the tail on the donkey in an email to me with that statement.I slept over 12 hours after having napped approximately 2 hours only a few...


Hello sunny, er, white Chi-town!Jacek and I wouldn’t let the reps at the AA counter leave our sight until we had a flight into the US. One semi-long conversation later we were booked on a flight to Chicago that left 25 minutes later than our intended flight....

Another Blizzard!?

I have to return to a blizzard again! Last time the flight was cancelled before we even left Tokyo. That sucked. At least we were able to fly into Detriot and then caught an early flight into JFK. Kazi and I that is.WTF is this from!? Check out the section...

Reporting live from JPN Part II

In approximately eight hours I will be lifting off of the Land of the Rising Sun’s terra firma. This brings happiness and sadness. I am reminded of the theater. Hmm. Every pic available, that is worthwhile, is online and available for viewing. I hope you enjoy...