Roosters Everywhere!

It’s time once again for another rooster to let loose… Well, in about 7 hours. The difference being that this rooster is mechanical while the other rooster I’ve heard for the past 4 days has been quite, as you might say, alive.This same silly,...

Falling Into Place

Two nights later I’m writing in the dark again. Though, this time I can actually post my thoughts right away thanks to the brilliant technology called 802.11g. Lalala. =D I’m so happy with this wee-silver-book of fun. Ahhh.One of the most fantastic things...

Shock Headed PB!

Wow. Here I am in the dark typing on my new… toy… no, my new… tool. Ahh, finally I can work on many a task on the go. I didn’t expect to find my way here this soon in ’05. Hello Mr. Gift Horse. = o Actually I should say, thank you...

Nothing Special, Just a Thought.

So after another 2.5 years I’m moving on. If thing keep up like this I’m going to get uber tired of moving very very soon. It is time to move on from 134. The memories, good and bad, will follow with me happily. It only hit me today that all of the changes...

My Apology to You – My Friends and Family

Today I woke up breathing easily and had a thought “I haven’t been doing a good job of staying touch with people… Why?”I think I figured out why while I was having the above though. Why? SLC stuff (not work), Home stuff (not 134), rehearsals...

Count Those Pennies!

It’s time for me to count my pennies and then every other kind coin that may show itself! It’s time for me to move it on up, to the top… la la la la laaa laaa.It’s come to that time of my life where I’m ACTUALLY shopping for a place to...