A Few Days to Go

JANUARY 16th & 17th”Dancing, dancing, I’ll be a dancer. I’ll be a dancer; dancing on the stage.” A yellow walrus with swinging hangs sang this to us in a childs voice with a British accent at an Italian restaurant here in Japan. Um…...

Reporting live from JPN

Ohayoooooooooooooooooo! It’s just after 7AM Monday morning here in Japan which means I’ve got to get up and ready to head to my old home wih Jacek- Asaka! I’ll be here until Saturday which is great because it’s only Monday but sad because...

BIG Update Part 3: Jan 15

JANUARY 15thOnsen #4 and 5! How much did that hotel rock. The outside onsen was quite a sight because of the snow falling and all the ice on the trees on the surrounding mountains. No pix sadly but like Miyazaki said – such things can not be captured in a...

BIG Update Part 2: Jan 14

JANUARY 14thSince I got to bed close to two thanks to some downloading issues for a particular video waking up this AM wasn’t the easiest of the trip. Then again, when is waking up at 7ish, during a vacation easy? I don’t see any hands in the air,...

BIG Update Part 1: Jan 13

JANUARY 13thHaving been open for approximately 5 years I finally made it to the Studio Ghibli Museum – based on Haiyao Miyazaki’s animation. Once we made it in all three of us were blown away by one exhibit in which strobes lights were used to create...