Scars in the Light

Just a few more days until I can read the display on my cell phone again! Sigh. Hey hey Koi! Hey hey! I dropped it on my way to class last Thursday. I didn’t even nail the monologue. It was a very difficult day. To say I wasn’t ‘mentally...


I often enjoy a good mystery every now and then. My family tried a few times at X-Mas… Things didn’t turn out how they’d planned. Somehow my grey juices figured out what they’d hoped I wouldn’t figure out.Score one for the gipper. Er,...

Owarimashita! Yosh!

And soon the semester will join me in a cheering "HooRAH! HooRAH!" Soon as in, heh, 3 days. Nice lil number ’tis – three.I’ve done it! I’ve finally compiled all my music into one place digitally AND into one place physically! Happy...

Yosh! The (Japanese) Pop!

I finally heard back from “pop” and he’s doing great! It looks as though he finally got out of the City Hall and into his own office! HOO HA! Congrats pop!”Hi, Gary!I’m so sorry I didn’t emailed you back soon. I’m still in...

Hearing Aid

The other day I was at Lori’s, Emma’s friend, for a homemade vegan dinner. While the dinner was pretty tasty the dessert turned out to be extremely “WTF!!”My recollection put the event within 10 minutes of me saying, loudly, across the table to...


Having access to multiple Desktops has always been a key difference between Windows OS’s and Linux Distros… Until today!While searching around the site – there IS a first time for everything – I found “Microsoft...