G! D! P and Z Indeed!

Back on 11/12/1997 I made my first payment of $200.00 for my college loans. On Wednesday, 11/30/2004 I made the last of my student loan payments. Today, 12/02/2004, the balance found its way to a place it’d never been before – in the negative (-0.14 to be...

And We're Rolling…

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition defines better as: More advantageous or favorable; improvedThat about sums up how things are at this moment.Better and better and better and better and better and better…It’s as...

We never stop working for you!

Pathetic.My experience with Verizon and Kyocera has been anything but helpful or even enjoyable lately.Earlier this week I asked Kyocera:”I wonder if there is any tentative release date set for the Kyocera Koi?/ KX2 Camera Phone to in the US market for...

Techy Week! & Isolated?!

Fah! Happy times for the geek in me!My foray into digital media arrived today at 10:26! Over the past few days I’ve imported over 145 CDs. Phew! Almost half way there. I’ve found music again! I’m so excited! Lota Babe chants! “LALALA!!!”...

Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3?

What are the steps?Research, research, and more research. And they have led me to a conclusion… Actually it’s led me to many conclusions. First – I know very little about music codecs. This is most unsettling. AAC and MP3… both are industry...