The AIM Experiment: Part 1

I believe I have been able to determine that my screen name has been blocked by None. After careful tests conducted over the past 5 days or so I have not seen her s/n sign on ONCE. Using my previous technique – opening a AIM window with a s/n in it to see if a...

What's That Falling Down Low?

It’s here. The fall is here! Happy times!I’ve been waiting for the cold to blend in with the leaves and today I felt it. The cold breeze on my face, through my shirt. Ahhh! I love this season. Thanksgiving will be here soon and I’ll enjoy my favorite...

Juice – Addendum

Something I didn’t add in my previous post needs to be added… Regret. I don’t feel any. Especially for The Door. I said certain things many years ago and know that I wouldn’t change a word. I’m not ready for spawns and I still don’t...

Juice! No. Well?… Ha, Who Knew?

The past few weeks I’ve had one of the most unexpected turns I think I could ever have imagined – previous experiences (New Years Eve of 2003/2004) notwithstanding. Actually I probably wouldn’t imagine it sf I was offered up a guess. Volleyball has...

Time Alone is Cool!

I figured out how to stretch a muscle that’s been nagging me for months ñ read close to a year I think. Now that it’s finally stretched the thing hurts big time! This RULES! I like-a-da pain tis good because it means the muscle isn’t locked in a...

T-minus X

I’m close to finding my way back to the web. Joy! T-minus X days.My back is either pleased with me by sending out many jolts of pain or I’ve added to the rock like feeling that are my muscles. I’m betting that it’s a good pain but I’ll...