A funny lil thing happened to me the other day. In CT I saw a license plate and chuckled because it was: XYZ XYZ. Later that day in NY while I was driving home I chucked again and had my thought laid out for me because it was just as silly as the CT license plate. The...
Typically that’s a good thing but at this moment it’s quite sad. September appears to be a bust and I’m Hanging Tough with Cali ñ the cat. She’s extremely needy. Meooow ñ look over here. Meoooow ñ I’m brushing against you so pet me....
Tension, excitement, and curiosity is what I felt it while watching this movie. I happened to be alone in someone elseÃs house with all the lights off after the sun had set. So what? The idea of a creature that can be described as a vampire-like reptilian that uses...
Garden State Andrew Largeman has a problem. His life adds up to something… He just doesn’t know what yet. Zach Braff introduces his creativity to Andrew’s world, quite likely parallel to his own in many aspects, in a peppy and comedic way....
Recently I learned with it is like to have a family. Four adults living in a confined space for a couple days eating breakfast, lunch, dinner… my god the cost! How do parents do it?To any of you out there thinking that a big family would be fun… RUN! RUN...
I was privy, rather… I was graced with quite possibly a dream last week when I saw Liverpool beat A.S. Roma. No, I’m not a Liverpool fan, but I might as well be now. They played a game almost exactly like it was pulled from my head. The one touch play, the...