From 01/19/09-02/01/09 the fam, on my mudda’s side, voted on a site name with the goal of bringing everyone closer together through the intertubes. I used a Google Form and emailed everyone a link to a static page on my site with the poll embedded. Everyone was...
This. Is. Not. A. Rant. I say with the hopes of clearing the table for an honest purging of ideas. Let’s begin. Last night at around 10:15 PM I received a phone call from a friend asking if I wanted to join him on a last minute adventure to D.C. to watch the...
I made it. Scratch that… All of it. Sweet! I’m wearing my second set of Invisalign! With about, oh let’s say, 3-4 days left in set one I wanted to switch to set two. Why? Well let me tell you. Ah-hem. Set one felt like, well, it felt like it...
Removing my Invisalign fixtures with buttons became a simple math equation. Remove = OW! There were no variables to consider. It simply was. Itai! <– Hehehe. Fun. E. Speak with your dentist about the buttons! Honestly. If they can, and they can, be put on...
Yesterday was the day of buttons. Not the film – an enjoyable though a film longer than it needed to be. Not the kind you sew on ice cream to see if it will stick. Invisa-buttons. The type of button somehow grafted to one’s teeth. OK, OK, they’re not...
Snacking is important when a regular scheduled meal isn’t on the agenda. Yesterday I experienced my first weekend with Invisalign. The fixtures did not prove to be completely distracting from the day but they impacted it significanly enough that I knew I had to...